At last we have abolished the tampon tax. But women still suffer from unequal healthcare

The tampon tax — just one item on a long list of anti-women policies that should have been left behind in the Stone Ages — has finally been abolished. Its a long overdue step — and while we have our attention on female reproductive organs, can we have a quick chat about contraception?

I don’t mean to sound spoilt; I’m aware of the platter of options straight women have when it comes to delaying parenthood, and I’ve pretty much tried them all. Condoms are fine but scary when they malfunction, a bother when they’re “forgotten” and nowhere near soundproof enough to drown out the whining from men who hate them. The Pill requires a foolproof memory and an indifference to the increased risks of high blood pressure, blood clots and breast cancer. No thanks. Having an IUD inserted felt like Freddie Krueger giving me a smear test and I refuse to believe that the bum injection isn’t the result of some silly joke gone too far.

Click here for the full column.

Natasha Mwansa